Directed by Gio Bolzani and choreographed by Greta O’Brien Vial, Luna is an ode to motherhood and follows the nightly adventures of a single working mom as imagined by her young daughter. The film was commissioned to accompany a new single by Italian electronic producer Piet Row (Pietro Marchesi).
The protagonist of this film is Luna, a little girl whose mum has to work late night shifts at a local children’s hospital. Luna dreams of her mum as a magical and fierce creature rather than as a nurse helping patients. Through this approach the film tries to capture that fleeting moment in our lives where our parents’ protective abilities seem almost supernatural and we’ve yet to realise that they too, are just regular people doing their best.
I contributed some string and woodwind textures to the existing instrumentation by Piet Row. To hear a sample of my work for this project, please have a listen below.